Category Archives: Politics

Wanted… Your Taxes, with Zero Oversight

Do you believe that laws are written to protect and help us all in return for the taxes we pay to secure the needs of our future? What sort of stake in commodities markets, like oil or metal, do you own personally?  How many laws, written by the people you elect, benefit you over the shareholders who legally bribe them through lobbyists to directly profit a very few extremely wealthy shareholders? Matt Taibbi reports the very distressing state of fallout that is occurring due to a many decades long war on banking and financial regulation by corporate interests whose only bottom line is their profit at any cost. What you may not have been following is something that is wastefully costing us our economic and ecological future.

Please read…, then ask yourself if you’re benefiting...


Real Citizens United Fallout

Click the image above to read all that NPR and others have to report on this story.

I feel this case underscores what we get when unlimited campaign money is available to individuals running for political office. Decide for yourself if you feel the people that you might elect to represent you should be beholding to a handful or possibly even one single campaign donor and the chilling effect that has on their ability to represent the majority.


Newt can’t make the connection!

I guess when you have enough money to consider a run for the presidency, you stop caring that just having enough money is the only thing preventing you from leading.

Thanks for the insight Newt. Very deep thinking, for a historian. At least I agree on the fact that most Americans are overwhelmingly nice. I don’t share the view that more money is the solution to effective leadership. But Newt was talking about winning, not leading, so maybe that is where I lost him.